KYOTO CRAFT COLA    200ml



無添加 6倍希釈


KYOTO CRAFT COLAはコーラの復刻をイメージした商品です。本来コーラは薬として開発されたと言われています。大手のコカ・コーラのルーツになるレシピは極秘ですので、知る者はほとんど居ないそうです。薬だったと言うだけあって身体によいスパイス類やハーブ類と果汁が入った完全無添加商品です。糖類にもこだわりました。お湯や牛乳、炭酸水と割って。ハイボールやビールなどのお酒との相性も抜群です。またアイスクリームやヨーグルトとの相性も抜群です。また、料理やお菓子作りへのアレンジも可能。

An additive-free spice cola jointly developed with the master of the bar, which has been loved in Kiyamachi, Kyoto for over 20 years.

This product is based on the image of a reprint of cola. It is said that cola was originally developed as a medicine. The recipe that becomes the roots of the major Coca-Cola is confidential, so few people know it. As it was a medicine, it is a completely additive-free product containing spices, herbs and fruit juice that are good for the body. I was particular about sugar. Divide it with hot water, milk, or carbonated water. It goes well with alcoholic beverages such as highball and beer. It also goes great with ice cream and yogurt. It can also be arranged for cooking and making sweets.


                    数量限定  ¥2,300


無添加 6倍希釈

1895年創業 京都府南部山城の地域に根差した酒蔵『城陽酒造』とのコラボです。




No additives, diluted 6 times

This is a collaboration with Joyo Shuzo, a sake brewery founded in 1895 and rooted in the Yamashiro region of southern Kyoto Prefecture.

Joyo City, where the brewery is located, has long been known as a plum village and is home to the largest plum grove in Kyoto Prefecture, the Aoya Plum Grove, which is home to the plum grove. This plum syrup is made from 100% of the indigenous plum variety, Joshuhaku, grown there.

This is a fruity craft cola with a gorgeous plum aroma. (Limited quantity)

Mix with hot water, milk, or carbonated water. It goes great with alcoholic drinks such as highballs and beer. It also goes great with ice cream and yogurt. It can also be used in cooking and baking.

         Concentrated Yuzu Drink 500ml





高知県産ゆずと北海道産のてんさい糖で作られた、無添加、無香料のゆずドリンク希釈タイプです。原液1に対して、水6―7倍の希釈で美味しいゆずドリンクができます。焼酎や炭酸、ソーダ等で割ってオリジナルな飲み物にもなります。お好みの濃さに調節してお楽しみください。お湯を入れれば、ホットなゆずドリンクが出来上がります。 高知県産ゆず






Additive-free and fragrance-free

A discerning citron drink made from all domestic ingredients.

An additive-free, fragrance-free diluted Yuzu drink type made from Kochi prefecture's Yuzu and Hokkaido's sugar beet sugar. You can make a delicious Yuzu drink by diluting 6 to 7 times the water with 1 stock solution. It can also be used as an original drink by dividing it with sake, carbonic acid, soda, etc. Please adjust the darkness to your liking and enjoy. Add hot water to make a hot yuzu drink. Yuzu from Kochi

Kochi Prefecture is one of the most famous Yuzu production areas in Japan and is the largest in Japan in terms of production volume and planted area. Among them, we carefully select and use Yuzu from the Niyodo River basin, which has the best taste and fragrance for both Yuzu drinks. Please enjoy such a particular Yuzu drink.

In Kochi prefecture, yuzu has always been a part of daily life.

Enjoy cooking, eating yuzu sushi, taking a bath, and enjoying the scent. Yuzu is an indispensable part of everyday life.

A citron drink born from such a traditional culture. It refreshes your mood.

Divide with approximately 6 times water, carbonated water, or hot water to enjoy. You can enjoy about 3L of yuzu drink with one bottle.

Harmony woven with the natural sweetness of Hokkaido sugar beet sugar and the refreshing citron flavor. Add beer, then beer cocktail. For gin-based cocktails. Put in whiskey.

It adds a gorgeous scent and color to various liquors.